We provide deep insight into technology and process and its impact on people. Help you find your unique web space for connecting with larger audience. Scalable and dynamic products that reduce maintenance and service costs. Lesser time to market with automated processes. Automate testing of web based applications.
Products – eLegal Solutions – Web Based Case Management System for legal practitioners. Services – Website Design, Development and Provisioning. Services – Website Maintenance. Services – Technical Trainings. Solutions – Automisation360- Automated Test. Suite development and Provisioning.
Just Go Local enables Customers to order online from nearby partner vendors
VMBA takes pride in being a one stop for Managing for all your Accounting And Billing needs.
Customer can take print quotation online without any marketing/sale executive help, its amazingly fast.
E-Legal Solutions offers a comprehensive platform in which a user can file, track a legal case and take it to its logical end